What does it take to drive 100,000 visitors to your blog? What about turning each of those visitors into 100,000 loyal subscribers? For many marketers, just getting 100,000 visitors to a website seems impossible — never mind figuring out how to entice them to become active email subscribers. But with the right process and strategy […]
23 Types of Lead Gen Content to Put Behind Your Landing Pages
What does being in a "content rut" mean to you? Perhaps the words "content rut" remind of those times you find yourself with writer’s block and can’t think of fresh topic ideas. (We’ve all been there.) Or maybe it makes you think of those days or weeks — or even (shudder) months when your content […]
43 Tweetable Answers to Top Questions About Twitter
A few months ago, the Sidekick team here at HubSpot decided everyone on the team should have a rapper name. I was dubbed "Queen Tweet." Well, I can’t rap, and I’m certainly not royalty, but I do have experience with Twitter. Most recently, I joined the experts on Twitter’s Small Business Team to speak on a webinar about […]
Love It, Need It, Gotta Have It: The 15 Coolest Mobile Apps of 2014
Want to track your packages with the swipe of your finger? Now you can. Need to split a complicated dinner bill? It’s no longer the end-of-meal buzz kill. It’s been an exciting year for mobile apps. Not only have some of our favorite apps gone through redesigns and other changes, but a ton of new […]
13 Email Marketing Hacks That Can Help Double Your Response Rates
INBOUND 2014 was not short on good content. But, despite the large venue, some speaking events were so popular that it was short on seats. Few things make a speaker feel better than seeing every single chair in their room full. One of them might be watching security guards turn attendees away who are clamoring to […]