Every website needs a host. Website hosting is renting space on a physical machine, a server, that continues to send your digital website into to internet space throughout the world! As you can image, not all hosting companies or their servers are working equally for their clients. There are host companies that allow your site […]
How to Write About Things You Know Nothing About
In the land of sunshine and rainbows, content marketers always write about topics they’re well-versed in. In the real world, we have to cover topics that fall far outside our areas of expertise — or even interest, for that matter. Case in point: When Instagram was getting popular back in 2011, I had to cover […]
Want to Increase Your Blog’s Conversion Rates by 87%? Try Focusing on Keywords
We’re on a historical blog optimization kick over here on the HubSpot blogging team. "What in the Sam Hill is ‘historical blog optimization,’" you ask? Basically, it means optimizing our "old" blog content to generate more traffic and leads. And by "old," I just mean posts that already exist on our blog, whether we wrote […]
Top Holiday Social Media Trends for 2014 [Infographic]
All right, so most of us haven’t even picked out our Halloween costumes yet. But for marketers everywhere, it’s just about that time where we need to start sipping the proverbial egg nog and thinking about our holiday marketing strategies. The good news is that the days of plenty are coming: Last year, in 2013, the […]
9 Revealing Inbound Marketing Insights From the U.K. [SlideShare]
We’re excited about the recent launch of HubSpot’s first ever U.K. edition of the State of Inbound: Inbound Insights U.K. – 2014, and we just can’t wait to share with you some of the data we uncovered. For our report, we surveyed marketing professionals across the United Kingdom, both leaders and practitioners, to find out the […]