The education industry is going through a major disruption, facing pressures in demand, supply, and delivery. Enrollment rates continue to decline, especially for four-year for-profit and two-year schools. Four-year universities see flat enrollment rates. As the pool of potential students gets smaller, the options they have for school are increasing. New programs like Promise and […]
How to Become a Respected Influencer in Your Industry [New Ebook]
Whether we realise it or not, our brains are wired to pay more attention to a select handful of voices in a crowd. It might be a celebrity setting a new fashion trend, a business leader announcing a new viewpoint on company culture, or a brand unveiling new innovative product designs. If it’s an area we’re interested in, we […]
The Biggest Opportunities for Agencies in 4 Charts
You’ve heard this common theme repeated by your parents, your teachers, your managers … even your significant others: It’s up to you to take ahold of the opportunities presented and make something of them. The problem is that opportunities usually equal choosing the hard thing. It’s much easier to stay constant on the current path, walking […]
The Digital Marketer’s Guide to Finding & Optimizing Images [Free Ebook]
It’s difficult to communicate emotion through just text — and as a digital marketer, you’re always looking for ways to make more meaningful connections with your audience. Images make it easier for you to bring your stories to life, as well as overcome linguistic and cultural barriers between you and your audience. If you’re not […]
9 Signs It’s Time to Grow Your Content Team
Growing traffic can be a bittersweet experience when you’re first starting out in content marketing. On one hand, you’re thrilled to see your posts gaining traction as incoming traffic and engagement climbs. On the other hand, your growing audience demands frequent content updates and they expect you to deliver good material. You might be able […]